Day 460 - March 16, 2023

Published on 13 May 2023 at 09:16


  • Hang on to every word.
  • Articulate
  • Hearing
  • Don’t like being alone.


  • Didn’t sleep good last night did nap good today
  • The most love I ever felt came from a dream. (not recent)
  • Wrong think
  • Gag Order vs Friendship
  • Feeling Kid Positive again 😊
  • BIG positive step – apologized to my kids
  • Aunty G, Uncle G, Mom, Brother
  • PTSD diagnosis 2000 ?

Weed helps me feel.

  • Often deep heavy feels, good and bad but it is ok. I need to feel them, acknowledge them and I need to address them to begin healing them. Burying them any deeper isn’t helpful.


*** Survive my own mind. - Survive my own life. ***


OCD Tendencies

  • Alarms/ timers/bedtime
  • Curtains
  • Blanket

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