December 27, 2023

Published on 1 January 2024 at 16:47

So Christmas is over for another year. We were all sick but made the best of it. I spent Christmas Eve and most of Christmas day at my eldest daughters. Came home and went to bed. I think everyone did the same. I am still struggling with a cough and congestion.

Second youngest goes home today and I feel like I barely seen her. Then second oldest goes tomorrow and I think I seen even less of her. It hurts my heart in someways. Maybe it shouldn't but it does. I seen a picture of the 3 oldest playing video games together yesterday and just wished they were all doing it here. I don't like to play but I sure as heck enjoy watching them and listening to their shenanigans. I could not stay there with them as sick as I am and my knees needed to be home where they can be reclined. At least I got to watch them open gifts together and we had a lovely dinner. Those are memories we will have forever. I just wished I felt more important to them. I just wish they wanted to spend more time with me.

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