Day 377 - December 26, 2022

Published on 24 April 2023 at 20:13
  • Sad
  • Tears come unexpectedly and often
  • Don’t even know how to act
  • Depleted

Feeling conflicted. Eldest daughter arrived home today after abandoning us for Christmas Eve and Day. She has been taking full advantage of me and I know it, but I fail to do anything about it. I know I need to. I can’t bring myself to even speak to her as the pain I feel is so so bad. Just typing my reality brings tears. Knowing what I must do and doing it are 2 different things. I don’t want to not be there for one of my children, but I can not continue enabling her to abuse me and her sister by taking advantage and hurting us repeatedly. It will be much easier on me to not see or know what is going on with her. Will I worry still? YES. But it won’t be in my face on a regular basis.

At this point I don’t even know if I am fixable!


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