Day 454 - March 10, 2023

Published on 13 May 2023 at 08:45

I am NOT ok!

I think I am sicker than I ever been, sorest rawest throat, ears hurt, sores on tongue  not a big cough but when I do cough I am not sure I will survive. I can't lie in bed because it hurts worse lying down and I only sleep for about 2 hours waking about 5 times in that period. Been napping/sleeping reclined on couch. I am miserable, grumpy, tired and am on day 4 of new meds. What a mix. I lost it at my daughter,,, house is a mess, garbage piled up and needs taken out, have a package in the mail that needs picked up which requires me to actually go into shoppers and sign for it. We were heading out to try to get it, I thought I could then I lost it. I raged and then broke down and cried like a baby. I felt bad afterwards and text both daughters who were present at the time to apologize, I didn’t really have anything to apologize for really except the way I directed my frustration. The message was legit.

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