Day 518 - May 13, 2023

Published on 17 May 2023 at 14:51

Never slept great last tonight at all. I stayed up late given it was the weekend and went to bed around 2am. Had to work hard to stop the thoughts from going crazy and eventually went to sleep. Woke again before 5am and could not get back to sleep so I got up. Opened curtains, put on coffee, went to bathroom and went outside with my coffee and had a smoke. It is a lovely morning. Came in decided I’d have one more coffee, catch up on the news and Facebook. Then I decided I was getting on my bike. I rode for 15 minutes! Sat and drank some water then took a shower and went and sat outside for a half hour. So far, this day is going better than yesterday. Let’s keep positive it continues.

Finally got my blog all caught up with my journal and no longer have the fear of what happens if my computer crashes and I lose everything. My journaling is important to me. I have worked hard at it and filled it with pure raw emotion.

Drove out the highway to pick up cousin she is here for a couple nights.


Simple Things:

  • Opening curtains on a sunny morning
  • Skyline at night
  • The view coming into CBS from St. Johns on access road
  • Cold air blowing on face

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