Day 532 - May 27, 2023

Published on 28 May 2023 at 14:32

Take comfort in your friends” (from REM – Everybody Hurts)

This line stuck with me today. I am slowly learning how important this really is. I am learning that the word “friends” does not have to be many. I am learning that I do have people. 3 of you! You know who you are. Thanks for understanding. Thanks for listening. Thanks for understanding when I am quiet (even if it is for extended periods of time) I see you. I know you are there, and I thank you. I often wish I could be more for you; especially when I have a hard time showing appreciation. I appreciate you. When I come out the other side of this, I will make sure you feel my love. Please don’t give up on me.


Something else that I just realized/figured out:

I was scrolling through some random stuff on Facebook and seen a post where a woman was looking for an old phone because the sound is gone on hers. She proceeds to say how important it is for her to have a phone as her kids are in care and she uses it to facetime with them.  My immediate thought was what kind of a mother has her kids in care, I knows now she needs a phone she will probably sell that for drugs, etc.…then I made myself stop. STOP! I don’t know her; all I know is her kids are in care and she facetimes them. The reason why they are in care is not my business, I don’t know that mom or her life or where she is. I do know that she cares enough to have facetime visits. I know these are important to her or she would use the broken phone as an excuse. There is not an excuse that makes that mom a bad person or any less than anyone else. She deserves kindness, compassion, understanding and love no matter what her story is. She needs to know we see her. She deserves to know she is enough. She deserves to feel supported.

If you ever read this – You Are Enough!


to the rest of us - Do Better!

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a year ago

Make that 4.