January 24, 2024

Published on 24 January 2024 at 13:30

I was hoping that my writings on this date would have a hopeful if not positive undertone but unfortunately that is not the case. I sit here angry, hurt and defeated. So apparently trial ended abruptly yesterday. I am only getting the information reported by the news at this point as I am waiting on a meeting with the crown and our support team to find out what is really going on. The waiting is hard. One never gets used to the waiting. I have emailed Bridge the Gap about starting a depression group session. I had been considering it and feeling what I feel currently I need something. If this goes the way I feel it will I will need major help with my already mounting depression.


While I understand you can not believe everything you read or see in the news it is looking like the defense wants an acquittal of my child charges. Saying there is not enough evidence. My child took 27 photos of inappropriate snapchats from this monster. She testified to each and everyone that she took it and they were sent to her from him. Apparently because the “source” has never been identified it leaves question. And then trying to say he sent some in his pajamas because it was pajama day at the rink. Are you fucking kidding me? So is this the defense admitting he sent the photos? Sure sounds like it.


Many, many people can tell stories of his many inappropriate behaviors over the years including the organizations representative who called me to tell me this was happening and send me some of the pictures. Shame on you for refusing to be interviewed. Shame an each and everyone of you who thought it would be easier or best to stay out of it.


My brave strong girl decided to proceed with this for one selfless reason. To ensure no other little girl would ever have to be manipulated and abused by this piece of work. Seriously, if you think about it what does she have to gain? She has been through years of his abuse, 3 more years waiting for trial, suicide attempt, therapy, being shunned by a community she loved, being let down by people she believed in, forced into seclusion and isolated from everyone and everything. It would have been much easier for her to have walked away, stayed quiet and let his abuse continue to spread. Be warned, if he walks on these charges his old cocky self will be back at it, probably a little bolder given he would now know better how to cover his tracks. My only hope is that when this happens and it is your child that an entire community don't turn their backs on you.

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