Day 522 - May 17, 2023

Published on 18 May 2023 at 15:37

Had OT visit me today. She was here for almost 2 hours. Not sure what was accomplished, we chatted mostly about me. I guess sometimes that is needed. She gave me some tips, and acknowledged how difficult it can be. I have a planner to plan out next week.  By planning it relates to pretty much the basics and she wants to me include a couple things from my short list of simple things I wrote the other day. She did also help me notice that I am doing some good things without knowing I was. Getting up each day and making my bed and having my morning routine is one example.

I did not sleep good last night. I done as the NP suggested and stopped the Ativan and just tried the night night tea. Night before last went pretty good, took me a little longer to fall asleep but I had a decent sleep. Last night found me sleepless. Didn’t finally sleep until around 4am and then up again 8am.

I did bake bread and cinnamon rolls last night; it took everything I had. I had no bread or $ so bread had to be made. I will also add that homemade bread toasted is a staple for me recently and many days if it weren’t available, I would not eat.

Eldest daughter returned tonight. She seems to be doing well. I am still very concerned for her going forward.

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