Intro To The Adventures Of My Mind

I am starting this blog on Day 376. I am doing so simply because I didn't really make journaling this adventure a priority until now.

I am suffering tremendous Anxiety and Depression and while I am on day 376, I have come to realize through this process that it stems way back and has been part of my life for way more than 376 days.

My purpose in journaling, now blogging, was at first so I didn't forget things, feelings, moods etc. as they came up. I wanted to remember things to share with my medical team. I was/am also hoping it will show me the progress I make. 

I always feel alone and as if no one understands or gets it. I am hoping in sharing my everyday I may find others who may get it or help someone else not feel alone. Maybe for once someone will understand who I am and understand why I am that way.

So here we are...….

Welcome to the raw uncut version of my life.


September 23, 2024

I am struggling right now. There I said it! I think I mentioned before how the anger emotion is coming out of me. Is it ever coming out of me and I would not want to be on the receiving end of it. It is ugly, hateful and awful. Not who I want to be. I hate it so much. I do not know how to deal with it. My recent “good” therapist is not consistent and I feel like when ever I need someone, like really need someone, there is no one. Getting a regular appointment with her is proving difficult lately. I am sure in my file it is somehow listed that I am unwilling etc....For fuck sakes I am trying. I have been trying. Fighting my way through the darkest of days, hanging by a thread, begging for help. Like everything else in my life I am not a priority, only an after thought. I am a number and a paycheck. That's it!

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September 20, 2024

At what point does one say fuck it and give up? I do not for life of me understand why I haven't done that yet. Even after all this time and the hard work I have poured into myself I am about ready to give up. It is where my mind brings me today. Why am I still here trying, trying to heal pains that keep coming, new ones, old ones. New worries and old ones. Today's addition is the real possibility of homelessness. My landlord has reached out to say he has to increase the rent. I am not mad at him, nor do I blame him. I understand. I also understand I can not really afford what I am paying now so an increase will be near impossible, given the circumstances of my life currently. It sucks. Why am I trying? For what? I have nothing, no where I feel safe enough to go to and no mode of transportation. I do not go outside and can not “just get over it'. I found some “joy” in planning a change to my bedroom. I began gathering and gutting. Now the Universe is like no fuck you, instead you shall become homeless. Try that out for a while and see the improvement in your mental health; not happening. Someone please give me a reason to keep going because if we are being real here I have nothing to keep going for. I had the desire but I feel like that is fading fast as well.

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September 17, 2024

The mental health system continues to fail people of this province. There are so many people out there desperate for help, people who are working very hard to heal and become better and we have a system that continuously turns their backs on them.

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You Don't Know Me

As part of my healing I find myself opening up more. In a recent conversation, while trying to explain the dynamics between my mother and I, the person I was chatting with says “ so she don't know you?”

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September 14, 2024

I am currently feeling VERY heavy. I feel like I am surrounded by a cloud of tension. Lil bit and I had a bit of a confuffle this afternoon. She was grooming the dog and I was needed to help. I sat to the table doing basically nothing but tried to hold the dog still on occasion. I mean honestly I was useless but I was told I needed to be there. At some point the electric clippers died. They needed to be recharged. I knew finding the cord was going to be an issue. So my entire being tensed up right away. The last time the dog was groomed using the clippers the cord was left hanging out of the wall. I am not placing blame here as I could have been the one to have left it. Irrelevant as to who, it was 100% left hanging out of the wall instead on put back where it belonged. I digress. I hopped up immediately and went on a hunt for the cord. Trying to ward of the certain disaster my mind told me was ahead of me if I did not locate it. While looking through piles and piles of stuff just placed in stacks about my room, and drawers I recall having seen it recently. Not sure what I done with it. I remember looking at it and having no clue what it belonged to and am now thinking if it was a day where my mind was on gutting this place I could have very well thrown it out. I admitted that to lil bit and she had no reaction at all to the clipper issue. The no negative response then triggered my brain that I have the all clear. Whew crisis diverted...WRONG! I then proceeded to the table area to get an air freshener I forgot I had. I began opening the package and it was noisy and it unsettled the dog and lil bit shot me a look of pure disgust. All circuits shorted within me, and the anger started to flow. I threw the package on the table and walked away. I can not remember EXACTLY how the conversation went after that. I did say something about how she looks at me with such disgust. She thanked me for saying that (as she often does when I say this) Let me be clear...I am not calling her disgusting. I am not saying her face is disgusting I am saying the look on her face makes me feel like I am disgusting and that she hates the entirety of my existence. I understand how that could trigger me. I don't like that it does and hate how it feels. I then thanked her for making me feel disgusting. (childish? Yes. Did I do it YES) She then said something about believing I make things up in my head. I replied yup that is what I do , spend all my days making stuff up in my head. She parted ways. Then the tension filled the room, that I am currently alone in. I hate these feelings and when they are happening in my own home, my one safe space I can not even begin to process the emotions. I did message lil bit to apologize. She eventually came out and thanked ,me for the apology. I then tried to explain why what had happened, happened. It wasn't her it was ME. I took ownership. She then told me she was happy I reached out because if not she was gonna have to be the one to come to me and say we have issues we need to discuss. I again explained through tears again why these things trigger me. I never know what, where or when. For me, an adult facing CPTSD, all the battles within myself are due to being made feel less than, not enough, disgusting, bad, useless, not good enough, not worthy, and the list could go on. So I am recently noticing that I feel it all, and when current situations stirs these feelings inside me anger jumps out of me. I guess it is the FIGHT mode or that I am literally bursting at the seams. Lil bit made it seem like there were other issues that need to be discussed but when I asked she refused to go anywhere with it because of “this”( my crying emotional mess). She packed up her stuff (phone, water bottle etc...) and headed to her room with door closed. I sit here replaying it all over in my head. Feeling bad I may have hurt her. I have cried as the pain I feel buried deep within tries to surface. The cloud of tension all around me and I have no where to run. I am trapped!

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September 9, 2024

“I don't ask why, I ask why not”. A quote from Dr. Phil that has always stuck with me. My thoughts today bring me to this. 7 weeks watching and waiting for my dad to die in a palliative care room. Also looking at and watching the one picture of a grandchild sit by his death bed and watch that grandchild be praised to everyone who entered. That grandchild, my nephew is also my daughters abuser. It is my fault this hurt me as I didn't tell my parents about this abuse. Some how we didn't want to cause the devastation in my parents. I always thought the child and I wanted this. Now I realize that may have been my mind. Maybe I didn't want to put it on them or perhaps I did not want to deal with it. Either way it happened and it added a layer to the 7 weeks. During this time my new to me car, that my dad had purchased from his friend a few short months before, was breaking down. I later learned the car was useless. I wasn't bringing this issue into the room so I placed it nicely beside the picture, deep within my being. My mother was cracking under all the goings on with dad and was acting crazy at times. So of course I opened myself up and placed that with the picture and the car. All the while my teenage daughter was at home alone raising herself for the most part. I was a better mother than that, I know and knew better. At that time though it went inside on that shelf with the picture, car, and my moms crazy. Now, as I reflect back, and beat myself up for, my teenaged daughter who was left alone by ME was also being lured, exploited and abused by someone we trusted. Someone we looked at like family. A person of authority. (Wow that was a lot. As I wrote that the hairs on the back of neck stood to attention. A person of authority, said nephew abuser went on to be a member of a police force. Had I done the right thing at the time, a police officer he would not have become) So why would I not be where I am today based on those 7 weeks alone. There were other stressors as well, I was off work without pay for almost the entirety of those 7 weeks. The mental game of waiting in a hospital for someone to die. The guilt when you had moments of wishing it would happen. Seeing people around us (other rooms) come and go, rather quickly and we waited. So yah, I am learning piece by piece how I got here. I still question how I made it this far. How did I even survive to reach the perfect storm? That thought blows my mind. I have to be something, strong, eh I dunno. Maybe its just best to say I am something! With hope, one day I can add the word special to it and believe it!

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The Perfect Storm

Tonight I reflect on what I call “The Perfect Storm”. It was (is) a storm that has been brewing since I was in my mothers womb. It grew with me through childhood. It gained some great momentum through the teenage years and robbed me of myself in early adulthood/motherhood. Each phase of my life picked up debris, as you would imagine a tornado would do. I thought many times that the storm had reached its peak, little did I know that it was only just beginning to spin out of control. Then when I least expected, I had maintained control over this monstrosity my entire life, the stars aligned. Not in a good way! (not that I can see clearly, yet anyway).

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The Man

My mother told me a story recently and it has really bothered me ever since. She said she was at the pharmacy recently and a man, that she described as nice looking, well dressed and well kept, went to the counter to pick up medication for the children. The pharmacist asked him if the kids were sick again. This sent him on an ugly rant, according to my mother. Those effing children are always sick, they are arseholes and nothing but trouble. He said it like he meant it with such anger and hate. It was clear to me that we were expected to name call this man, judge him and say how awful he is. However, I do not feel any of these things about this man I know nothing about. I am not perfect, and admit there was a time not so long ago I too would have judged him.

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August 26, 2024

I have written this entry so many times, in my head, and always it starts off with I have been bad. Well here I am today starting by saying I AM NOT BAD. I have just been working hard. VERY HARD. From the outside you may see me, sitting in my piles of mess and disorganization, doing absolutely nothing. It may look like I am unkempt and that I have slept in my clothes for a week but let me tell you healing is hard. It is mentally and emotionally draining. The pain still comes, out of nowhere and it hurts. Tears still flow and more often than not I have no energy or motivation. This is all part of healing. I would be lying if I did not admit to wanting to quit occasionally. Yet here I am plugging away.

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September 23, 2024

I am struggling right now. There I said it! I think I mentioned before how the anger emotion is coming out of me. Is it ever coming out of me and I would not want to be on the receiving end of it. It is ugly, hateful and awful. Not who I want to be. I hate it so much. I do not know how to deal with it. My recent “good” therapist is not consistent and I feel like when ever I need someone, like really need someone, there is no one. Getting a regular appointment with her is proving difficult lately. I am sure in my file it is somehow listed that I am unwilling etc....For fuck sakes I am trying. I have been trying. Fighting my way through the darkest of days, hanging by a thread, begging for help. Like everything else in my life I am not a priority, only an after thought. I am a number and a paycheck. That's it!

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September 20, 2024

At what point does one say fuck it and give up? I do not for life of me understand why I haven't done that yet. Even after all this time and the hard work I have poured into myself I am about ready to give up. It is where my mind brings me today. Why am I still here trying, trying to heal pains that keep coming, new ones, old ones. New worries and old ones. Today's addition is the real possibility of homelessness. My landlord has reached out to say he has to increase the rent. I am not mad at him, nor do I blame him. I understand. I also understand I can not really afford what I am paying now so an increase will be near impossible, given the circumstances of my life currently. It sucks. Why am I trying? For what? I have nothing, no where I feel safe enough to go to and no mode of transportation. I do not go outside and can not “just get over it'. I found some “joy” in planning a change to my bedroom. I began gathering and gutting. Now the Universe is like no fuck you, instead you shall become homeless. Try that out for a while and see the improvement in your mental health; not happening. Someone please give me a reason to keep going because if we are being real here I have nothing to keep going for. I had the desire but I feel like that is fading fast as well.

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September 17, 2024

The mental health system continues to fail people of this province. There are so many people out there desperate for help, people who are working very hard to heal and become better and we have a system that continuously turns their backs on them.

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You Don't Know Me

As part of my healing I find myself opening up more. In a recent conversation, while trying to explain the dynamics between my mother and I, the person I was chatting with says “ so she don't know you?”

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September 14, 2024

I am currently feeling VERY heavy. I feel like I am surrounded by a cloud of tension. Lil bit and I had a bit of a confuffle this afternoon. She was grooming the dog and I was needed to help. I sat to the table doing basically nothing but tried to hold the dog still on occasion. I mean honestly I was useless but I was told I needed to be there. At some point the electric clippers died. They needed to be recharged. I knew finding the cord was going to be an issue. So my entire being tensed up right away. The last time the dog was groomed using the clippers the cord was left hanging out of the wall. I am not placing blame here as I could have been the one to have left it. Irrelevant as to who, it was 100% left hanging out of the wall instead on put back where it belonged. I digress. I hopped up immediately and went on a hunt for the cord. Trying to ward of the certain disaster my mind told me was ahead of me if I did not locate it. While looking through piles and piles of stuff just placed in stacks about my room, and drawers I recall having seen it recently. Not sure what I done with it. I remember looking at it and having no clue what it belonged to and am now thinking if it was a day where my mind was on gutting this place I could have very well thrown it out. I admitted that to lil bit and she had no reaction at all to the clipper issue. The no negative response then triggered my brain that I have the all clear. Whew crisis diverted...WRONG! I then proceeded to the table area to get an air freshener I forgot I had. I began opening the package and it was noisy and it unsettled the dog and lil bit shot me a look of pure disgust. All circuits shorted within me, and the anger started to flow. I threw the package on the table and walked away. I can not remember EXACTLY how the conversation went after that. I did say something about how she looks at me with such disgust. She thanked me for saying that (as she often does when I say this) Let me be clear...I am not calling her disgusting. I am not saying her face is disgusting I am saying the look on her face makes me feel like I am disgusting and that she hates the entirety of my existence. I understand how that could trigger me. I don't like that it does and hate how it feels. I then thanked her for making me feel disgusting. (childish? Yes. Did I do it YES) She then said something about believing I make things up in my head. I replied yup that is what I do , spend all my days making stuff up in my head. She parted ways. Then the tension filled the room, that I am currently alone in. I hate these feelings and when they are happening in my own home, my one safe space I can not even begin to process the emotions. I did message lil bit to apologize. She eventually came out and thanked ,me for the apology. I then tried to explain why what had happened, happened. It wasn't her it was ME. I took ownership. She then told me she was happy I reached out because if not she was gonna have to be the one to come to me and say we have issues we need to discuss. I again explained through tears again why these things trigger me. I never know what, where or when. For me, an adult facing CPTSD, all the battles within myself are due to being made feel less than, not enough, disgusting, bad, useless, not good enough, not worthy, and the list could go on. So I am recently noticing that I feel it all, and when current situations stirs these feelings inside me anger jumps out of me. I guess it is the FIGHT mode or that I am literally bursting at the seams. Lil bit made it seem like there were other issues that need to be discussed but when I asked she refused to go anywhere with it because of “this”( my crying emotional mess). She packed up her stuff (phone, water bottle etc...) and headed to her room with door closed. I sit here replaying it all over in my head. Feeling bad I may have hurt her. I have cried as the pain I feel buried deep within tries to surface. The cloud of tension all around me and I have no where to run. I am trapped!

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September 9, 2024

“I don't ask why, I ask why not”. A quote from Dr. Phil that has always stuck with me. My thoughts today bring me to this. 7 weeks watching and waiting for my dad to die in a palliative care room. Also looking at and watching the one picture of a grandchild sit by his death bed and watch that grandchild be praised to everyone who entered. That grandchild, my nephew is also my daughters abuser. It is my fault this hurt me as I didn't tell my parents about this abuse. Some how we didn't want to cause the devastation in my parents. I always thought the child and I wanted this. Now I realize that may have been my mind. Maybe I didn't want to put it on them or perhaps I did not want to deal with it. Either way it happened and it added a layer to the 7 weeks. During this time my new to me car, that my dad had purchased from his friend a few short months before, was breaking down. I later learned the car was useless. I wasn't bringing this issue into the room so I placed it nicely beside the picture, deep within my being. My mother was cracking under all the goings on with dad and was acting crazy at times. So of course I opened myself up and placed that with the picture and the car. All the while my teenage daughter was at home alone raising herself for the most part. I was a better mother than that, I know and knew better. At that time though it went inside on that shelf with the picture, car, and my moms crazy. Now, as I reflect back, and beat myself up for, my teenaged daughter who was left alone by ME was also being lured, exploited and abused by someone we trusted. Someone we looked at like family. A person of authority. (Wow that was a lot. As I wrote that the hairs on the back of neck stood to attention. A person of authority, said nephew abuser went on to be a member of a police force. Had I done the right thing at the time, a police officer he would not have become) So why would I not be where I am today based on those 7 weeks alone. There were other stressors as well, I was off work without pay for almost the entirety of those 7 weeks. The mental game of waiting in a hospital for someone to die. The guilt when you had moments of wishing it would happen. Seeing people around us (other rooms) come and go, rather quickly and we waited. So yah, I am learning piece by piece how I got here. I still question how I made it this far. How did I even survive to reach the perfect storm? That thought blows my mind. I have to be something, strong, eh I dunno. Maybe its just best to say I am something! With hope, one day I can add the word special to it and believe it!

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The Perfect Storm

Tonight I reflect on what I call “The Perfect Storm”. It was (is) a storm that has been brewing since I was in my mothers womb. It grew with me through childhood. It gained some great momentum through the teenage years and robbed me of myself in early adulthood/motherhood. Each phase of my life picked up debris, as you would imagine a tornado would do. I thought many times that the storm had reached its peak, little did I know that it was only just beginning to spin out of control. Then when I least expected, I had maintained control over this monstrosity my entire life, the stars aligned. Not in a good way! (not that I can see clearly, yet anyway).

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The Man

My mother told me a story recently and it has really bothered me ever since. She said she was at the pharmacy recently and a man, that she described as nice looking, well dressed and well kept, went to the counter to pick up medication for the children. The pharmacist asked him if the kids were sick again. This sent him on an ugly rant, according to my mother. Those effing children are always sick, they are arseholes and nothing but trouble. He said it like he meant it with such anger and hate. It was clear to me that we were expected to name call this man, judge him and say how awful he is. However, I do not feel any of these things about this man I know nothing about. I am not perfect, and admit there was a time not so long ago I too would have judged him.

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August 26, 2024

I have written this entry so many times, in my head, and always it starts off with I have been bad. Well here I am today starting by saying I AM NOT BAD. I have just been working hard. VERY HARD. From the outside you may see me, sitting in my piles of mess and disorganization, doing absolutely nothing. It may look like I am unkempt and that I have slept in my clothes for a week but let me tell you healing is hard. It is mentally and emotionally draining. The pain still comes, out of nowhere and it hurts. Tears still flow and more often than not I have no energy or motivation. This is all part of healing. I would be lying if I did not admit to wanting to quit occasionally. Yet here I am plugging away.

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September 23, 2024

I am struggling right now. There I said it! I think I mentioned before how the anger emotion is coming out of me. Is it ever coming out of me and I would not want to be on the receiving end of it. It is ugly, hateful and awful. Not who I want to be. I hate it so much. I do not know how to deal with it. My recent “good” therapist is not consistent and I feel like when ever I need someone, like really need someone, there is no one. Getting a regular appointment with her is proving difficult lately. I am sure in my file it is somehow listed that I am unwilling etc....For fuck sakes I am trying. I have been trying. Fighting my way through the darkest of days, hanging by a thread, begging for help. Like everything else in my life I am not a priority, only an after thought. I am a number and a paycheck. That's it!

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September 20, 2024

At what point does one say fuck it and give up? I do not for life of me understand why I haven't done that yet. Even after all this time and the hard work I have poured into myself I am about ready to give up. It is where my mind brings me today. Why am I still here trying, trying to heal pains that keep coming, new ones, old ones. New worries and old ones. Today's addition is the real possibility of homelessness. My landlord has reached out to say he has to increase the rent. I am not mad at him, nor do I blame him. I understand. I also understand I can not really afford what I am paying now so an increase will be near impossible, given the circumstances of my life currently. It sucks. Why am I trying? For what? I have nothing, no where I feel safe enough to go to and no mode of transportation. I do not go outside and can not “just get over it'. I found some “joy” in planning a change to my bedroom. I began gathering and gutting. Now the Universe is like no fuck you, instead you shall become homeless. Try that out for a while and see the improvement in your mental health; not happening. Someone please give me a reason to keep going because if we are being real here I have nothing to keep going for. I had the desire but I feel like that is fading fast as well.

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September 17, 2024

The mental health system continues to fail people of this province. There are so many people out there desperate for help, people who are working very hard to heal and become better and we have a system that continuously turns their backs on them.

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You Don't Know Me

As part of my healing I find myself opening up more. In a recent conversation, while trying to explain the dynamics between my mother and I, the person I was chatting with says “ so she don't know you?”

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September 14, 2024

I am currently feeling VERY heavy. I feel like I am surrounded by a cloud of tension. Lil bit and I had a bit of a confuffle this afternoon. She was grooming the dog and I was needed to help. I sat to the table doing basically nothing but tried to hold the dog still on occasion. I mean honestly I was useless but I was told I needed to be there. At some point the electric clippers died. They needed to be recharged. I knew finding the cord was going to be an issue. So my entire being tensed up right away. The last time the dog was groomed using the clippers the cord was left hanging out of the wall. I am not placing blame here as I could have been the one to have left it. Irrelevant as to who, it was 100% left hanging out of the wall instead on put back where it belonged. I digress. I hopped up immediately and went on a hunt for the cord. Trying to ward of the certain disaster my mind told me was ahead of me if I did not locate it. While looking through piles and piles of stuff just placed in stacks about my room, and drawers I recall having seen it recently. Not sure what I done with it. I remember looking at it and having no clue what it belonged to and am now thinking if it was a day where my mind was on gutting this place I could have very well thrown it out. I admitted that to lil bit and she had no reaction at all to the clipper issue. The no negative response then triggered my brain that I have the all clear. Whew crisis diverted...WRONG! I then proceeded to the table area to get an air freshener I forgot I had. I began opening the package and it was noisy and it unsettled the dog and lil bit shot me a look of pure disgust. All circuits shorted within me, and the anger started to flow. I threw the package on the table and walked away. I can not remember EXACTLY how the conversation went after that. I did say something about how she looks at me with such disgust. She thanked me for saying that (as she often does when I say this) Let me be clear...I am not calling her disgusting. I am not saying her face is disgusting I am saying the look on her face makes me feel like I am disgusting and that she hates the entirety of my existence. I understand how that could trigger me. I don't like that it does and hate how it feels. I then thanked her for making me feel disgusting. (childish? Yes. Did I do it YES) She then said something about believing I make things up in my head. I replied yup that is what I do , spend all my days making stuff up in my head. She parted ways. Then the tension filled the room, that I am currently alone in. I hate these feelings and when they are happening in my own home, my one safe space I can not even begin to process the emotions. I did message lil bit to apologize. She eventually came out and thanked ,me for the apology. I then tried to explain why what had happened, happened. It wasn't her it was ME. I took ownership. She then told me she was happy I reached out because if not she was gonna have to be the one to come to me and say we have issues we need to discuss. I again explained through tears again why these things trigger me. I never know what, where or when. For me, an adult facing CPTSD, all the battles within myself are due to being made feel less than, not enough, disgusting, bad, useless, not good enough, not worthy, and the list could go on. So I am recently noticing that I feel it all, and when current situations stirs these feelings inside me anger jumps out of me. I guess it is the FIGHT mode or that I am literally bursting at the seams. Lil bit made it seem like there were other issues that need to be discussed but when I asked she refused to go anywhere with it because of “this”( my crying emotional mess). She packed up her stuff (phone, water bottle etc...) and headed to her room with door closed. I sit here replaying it all over in my head. Feeling bad I may have hurt her. I have cried as the pain I feel buried deep within tries to surface. The cloud of tension all around me and I have no where to run. I am trapped!

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September 9, 2024

“I don't ask why, I ask why not”. A quote from Dr. Phil that has always stuck with me. My thoughts today bring me to this. 7 weeks watching and waiting for my dad to die in a palliative care room. Also looking at and watching the one picture of a grandchild sit by his death bed and watch that grandchild be praised to everyone who entered. That grandchild, my nephew is also my daughters abuser. It is my fault this hurt me as I didn't tell my parents about this abuse. Some how we didn't want to cause the devastation in my parents. I always thought the child and I wanted this. Now I realize that may have been my mind. Maybe I didn't want to put it on them or perhaps I did not want to deal with it. Either way it happened and it added a layer to the 7 weeks. During this time my new to me car, that my dad had purchased from his friend a few short months before, was breaking down. I later learned the car was useless. I wasn't bringing this issue into the room so I placed it nicely beside the picture, deep within my being. My mother was cracking under all the goings on with dad and was acting crazy at times. So of course I opened myself up and placed that with the picture and the car. All the while my teenage daughter was at home alone raising herself for the most part. I was a better mother than that, I know and knew better. At that time though it went inside on that shelf with the picture, car, and my moms crazy. Now, as I reflect back, and beat myself up for, my teenaged daughter who was left alone by ME was also being lured, exploited and abused by someone we trusted. Someone we looked at like family. A person of authority. (Wow that was a lot. As I wrote that the hairs on the back of neck stood to attention. A person of authority, said nephew abuser went on to be a member of a police force. Had I done the right thing at the time, a police officer he would not have become) So why would I not be where I am today based on those 7 weeks alone. There were other stressors as well, I was off work without pay for almost the entirety of those 7 weeks. The mental game of waiting in a hospital for someone to die. The guilt when you had moments of wishing it would happen. Seeing people around us (other rooms) come and go, rather quickly and we waited. So yah, I am learning piece by piece how I got here. I still question how I made it this far. How did I even survive to reach the perfect storm? That thought blows my mind. I have to be something, strong, eh I dunno. Maybe its just best to say I am something! With hope, one day I can add the word special to it and believe it!

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The Perfect Storm

Tonight I reflect on what I call “The Perfect Storm”. It was (is) a storm that has been brewing since I was in my mothers womb. It grew with me through childhood. It gained some great momentum through the teenage years and robbed me of myself in early adulthood/motherhood. Each phase of my life picked up debris, as you would imagine a tornado would do. I thought many times that the storm had reached its peak, little did I know that it was only just beginning to spin out of control. Then when I least expected, I had maintained control over this monstrosity my entire life, the stars aligned. Not in a good way! (not that I can see clearly, yet anyway).

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The Man

My mother told me a story recently and it has really bothered me ever since. She said she was at the pharmacy recently and a man, that she described as nice looking, well dressed and well kept, went to the counter to pick up medication for the children. The pharmacist asked him if the kids were sick again. This sent him on an ugly rant, according to my mother. Those effing children are always sick, they are arseholes and nothing but trouble. He said it like he meant it with such anger and hate. It was clear to me that we were expected to name call this man, judge him and say how awful he is. However, I do not feel any of these things about this man I know nothing about. I am not perfect, and admit there was a time not so long ago I too would have judged him.

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August 26, 2024

I have written this entry so many times, in my head, and always it starts off with I have been bad. Well here I am today starting by saying I AM NOT BAD. I have just been working hard. VERY HARD. From the outside you may see me, sitting in my piles of mess and disorganization, doing absolutely nothing. It may look like I am unkempt and that I have slept in my clothes for a week but let me tell you healing is hard. It is mentally and emotionally draining. The pain still comes, out of nowhere and it hurts. Tears still flow and more often than not I have no energy or motivation. This is all part of healing. I would be lying if I did not admit to wanting to quit occasionally. Yet here I am plugging away.

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September 23, 2024

I am struggling right now. There I said it! I think I mentioned before how the anger emotion is coming out of me. Is it ever coming out of me and I would not want to be on the receiving end of it. It is ugly, hateful and awful. Not who I want to be. I hate it so much. I do not know how to deal with it. My recent “good” therapist is not consistent and I feel like when ever I need someone, like really need someone, there is no one. Getting a regular appointment with her is proving difficult lately. I am sure in my file it is somehow listed that I am unwilling etc....For fuck sakes I am trying. I have been trying. Fighting my way through the darkest of days, hanging by a thread, begging for help. Like everything else in my life I am not a priority, only an after thought. I am a number and a paycheck. That's it!

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September 20, 2024

At what point does one say fuck it and give up? I do not for life of me understand why I haven't done that yet. Even after all this time and the hard work I have poured into myself I am about ready to give up. It is where my mind brings me today. Why am I still here trying, trying to heal pains that keep coming, new ones, old ones. New worries and old ones. Today's addition is the real possibility of homelessness. My landlord has reached out to say he has to increase the rent. I am not mad at him, nor do I blame him. I understand. I also understand I can not really afford what I am paying now so an increase will be near impossible, given the circumstances of my life currently. It sucks. Why am I trying? For what? I have nothing, no where I feel safe enough to go to and no mode of transportation. I do not go outside and can not “just get over it'. I found some “joy” in planning a change to my bedroom. I began gathering and gutting. Now the Universe is like no fuck you, instead you shall become homeless. Try that out for a while and see the improvement in your mental health; not happening. Someone please give me a reason to keep going because if we are being real here I have nothing to keep going for. I had the desire but I feel like that is fading fast as well.

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September 17, 2024

The mental health system continues to fail people of this province. There are so many people out there desperate for help, people who are working very hard to heal and become better and we have a system that continuously turns their backs on them.

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You Don't Know Me

As part of my healing I find myself opening up more. In a recent conversation, while trying to explain the dynamics between my mother and I, the person I was chatting with says “ so she don't know you?”

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September 14, 2024

I am currently feeling VERY heavy. I feel like I am surrounded by a cloud of tension. Lil bit and I had a bit of a confuffle this afternoon. She was grooming the dog and I was needed to help. I sat to the table doing basically nothing but tried to hold the dog still on occasion. I mean honestly I was useless but I was told I needed to be there. At some point the electric clippers died. They needed to be recharged. I knew finding the cord was going to be an issue. So my entire being tensed up right away. The last time the dog was groomed using the clippers the cord was left hanging out of the wall. I am not placing blame here as I could have been the one to have left it. Irrelevant as to who, it was 100% left hanging out of the wall instead on put back where it belonged. I digress. I hopped up immediately and went on a hunt for the cord. Trying to ward of the certain disaster my mind told me was ahead of me if I did not locate it. While looking through piles and piles of stuff just placed in stacks about my room, and drawers I recall having seen it recently. Not sure what I done with it. I remember looking at it and having no clue what it belonged to and am now thinking if it was a day where my mind was on gutting this place I could have very well thrown it out. I admitted that to lil bit and she had no reaction at all to the clipper issue. The no negative response then triggered my brain that I have the all clear. Whew crisis diverted...WRONG! I then proceeded to the table area to get an air freshener I forgot I had. I began opening the package and it was noisy and it unsettled the dog and lil bit shot me a look of pure disgust. All circuits shorted within me, and the anger started to flow. I threw the package on the table and walked away. I can not remember EXACTLY how the conversation went after that. I did say something about how she looks at me with such disgust. She thanked me for saying that (as she often does when I say this) Let me be clear...I am not calling her disgusting. I am not saying her face is disgusting I am saying the look on her face makes me feel like I am disgusting and that she hates the entirety of my existence. I understand how that could trigger me. I don't like that it does and hate how it feels. I then thanked her for making me feel disgusting. (childish? Yes. Did I do it YES) She then said something about believing I make things up in my head. I replied yup that is what I do , spend all my days making stuff up in my head. She parted ways. Then the tension filled the room, that I am currently alone in. I hate these feelings and when they are happening in my own home, my one safe space I can not even begin to process the emotions. I did message lil bit to apologize. She eventually came out and thanked ,me for the apology. I then tried to explain why what had happened, happened. It wasn't her it was ME. I took ownership. She then told me she was happy I reached out because if not she was gonna have to be the one to come to me and say we have issues we need to discuss. I again explained through tears again why these things trigger me. I never know what, where or when. For me, an adult facing CPTSD, all the battles within myself are due to being made feel less than, not enough, disgusting, bad, useless, not good enough, not worthy, and the list could go on. So I am recently noticing that I feel it all, and when current situations stirs these feelings inside me anger jumps out of me. I guess it is the FIGHT mode or that I am literally bursting at the seams. Lil bit made it seem like there were other issues that need to be discussed but when I asked she refused to go anywhere with it because of “this”( my crying emotional mess). She packed up her stuff (phone, water bottle etc...) and headed to her room with door closed. I sit here replaying it all over in my head. Feeling bad I may have hurt her. I have cried as the pain I feel buried deep within tries to surface. The cloud of tension all around me and I have no where to run. I am trapped!

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September 9, 2024

“I don't ask why, I ask why not”. A quote from Dr. Phil that has always stuck with me. My thoughts today bring me to this. 7 weeks watching and waiting for my dad to die in a palliative care room. Also looking at and watching the one picture of a grandchild sit by his death bed and watch that grandchild be praised to everyone who entered. That grandchild, my nephew is also my daughters abuser. It is my fault this hurt me as I didn't tell my parents about this abuse. Some how we didn't want to cause the devastation in my parents. I always thought the child and I wanted this. Now I realize that may have been my mind. Maybe I didn't want to put it on them or perhaps I did not want to deal with it. Either way it happened and it added a layer to the 7 weeks. During this time my new to me car, that my dad had purchased from his friend a few short months before, was breaking down. I later learned the car was useless. I wasn't bringing this issue into the room so I placed it nicely beside the picture, deep within my being. My mother was cracking under all the goings on with dad and was acting crazy at times. So of course I opened myself up and placed that with the picture and the car. All the while my teenage daughter was at home alone raising herself for the most part. I was a better mother than that, I know and knew better. At that time though it went inside on that shelf with the picture, car, and my moms crazy. Now, as I reflect back, and beat myself up for, my teenaged daughter who was left alone by ME was also being lured, exploited and abused by someone we trusted. Someone we looked at like family. A person of authority. (Wow that was a lot. As I wrote that the hairs on the back of neck stood to attention. A person of authority, said nephew abuser went on to be a member of a police force. Had I done the right thing at the time, a police officer he would not have become) So why would I not be where I am today based on those 7 weeks alone. There were other stressors as well, I was off work without pay for almost the entirety of those 7 weeks. The mental game of waiting in a hospital for someone to die. The guilt when you had moments of wishing it would happen. Seeing people around us (other rooms) come and go, rather quickly and we waited. So yah, I am learning piece by piece how I got here. I still question how I made it this far. How did I even survive to reach the perfect storm? That thought blows my mind. I have to be something, strong, eh I dunno. Maybe its just best to say I am something! With hope, one day I can add the word special to it and believe it!

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The Perfect Storm

Tonight I reflect on what I call “The Perfect Storm”. It was (is) a storm that has been brewing since I was in my mothers womb. It grew with me through childhood. It gained some great momentum through the teenage years and robbed me of myself in early adulthood/motherhood. Each phase of my life picked up debris, as you would imagine a tornado would do. I thought many times that the storm had reached its peak, little did I know that it was only just beginning to spin out of control. Then when I least expected, I had maintained control over this monstrosity my entire life, the stars aligned. Not in a good way! (not that I can see clearly, yet anyway).

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The Man

My mother told me a story recently and it has really bothered me ever since. She said she was at the pharmacy recently and a man, that she described as nice looking, well dressed and well kept, went to the counter to pick up medication for the children. The pharmacist asked him if the kids were sick again. This sent him on an ugly rant, according to my mother. Those effing children are always sick, they are arseholes and nothing but trouble. He said it like he meant it with such anger and hate. It was clear to me that we were expected to name call this man, judge him and say how awful he is. However, I do not feel any of these things about this man I know nothing about. I am not perfect, and admit there was a time not so long ago I too would have judged him.

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August 26, 2024

I have written this entry so many times, in my head, and always it starts off with I have been bad. Well here I am today starting by saying I AM NOT BAD. I have just been working hard. VERY HARD. From the outside you may see me, sitting in my piles of mess and disorganization, doing absolutely nothing. It may look like I am unkempt and that I have slept in my clothes for a week but let me tell you healing is hard. It is mentally and emotionally draining. The pain still comes, out of nowhere and it hurts. Tears still flow and more often than not I have no energy or motivation. This is all part of healing. I would be lying if I did not admit to wanting to quit occasionally. Yet here I am plugging away.

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September 23, 2024

I am struggling right now. There I said it! I think I mentioned before how the anger emotion is coming out of me. Is it ever coming out of me and I would not want to be on the receiving end of it. It is ugly, hateful and awful. Not who I want to be. I hate it so much. I do not know how to deal with it. My recent “good” therapist is not consistent and I feel like when ever I need someone, like really need someone, there is no one. Getting a regular appointment with her is proving difficult lately. I am sure in my file it is somehow listed that I am unwilling etc....For fuck sakes I am trying. I have been trying. Fighting my way through the darkest of days, hanging by a thread, begging for help. Like everything else in my life I am not a priority, only an after thought. I am a number and a paycheck. That's it!

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September 20, 2024

At what point does one say fuck it and give up? I do not for life of me understand why I haven't done that yet. Even after all this time and the hard work I have poured into myself I am about ready to give up. It is where my mind brings me today. Why am I still here trying, trying to heal pains that keep coming, new ones, old ones. New worries and old ones. Today's addition is the real possibility of homelessness. My landlord has reached out to say he has to increase the rent. I am not mad at him, nor do I blame him. I understand. I also understand I can not really afford what I am paying now so an increase will be near impossible, given the circumstances of my life currently. It sucks. Why am I trying? For what? I have nothing, no where I feel safe enough to go to and no mode of transportation. I do not go outside and can not “just get over it'. I found some “joy” in planning a change to my bedroom. I began gathering and gutting. Now the Universe is like no fuck you, instead you shall become homeless. Try that out for a while and see the improvement in your mental health; not happening. Someone please give me a reason to keep going because if we are being real here I have nothing to keep going for. I had the desire but I feel like that is fading fast as well.

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September 17, 2024

The mental health system continues to fail people of this province. There are so many people out there desperate for help, people who are working very hard to heal and become better and we have a system that continuously turns their backs on them.

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You Don't Know Me

As part of my healing I find myself opening up more. In a recent conversation, while trying to explain the dynamics between my mother and I, the person I was chatting with says “ so she don't know you?”

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September 14, 2024

I am currently feeling VERY heavy. I feel like I am surrounded by a cloud of tension. Lil bit and I had a bit of a confuffle this afternoon. She was grooming the dog and I was needed to help. I sat to the table doing basically nothing but tried to hold the dog still on occasion. I mean honestly I was useless but I was told I needed to be there. At some point the electric clippers died. They needed to be recharged. I knew finding the cord was going to be an issue. So my entire being tensed up right away. The last time the dog was groomed using the clippers the cord was left hanging out of the wall. I am not placing blame here as I could have been the one to have left it. Irrelevant as to who, it was 100% left hanging out of the wall instead on put back where it belonged. I digress. I hopped up immediately and went on a hunt for the cord. Trying to ward of the certain disaster my mind told me was ahead of me if I did not locate it. While looking through piles and piles of stuff just placed in stacks about my room, and drawers I recall having seen it recently. Not sure what I done with it. I remember looking at it and having no clue what it belonged to and am now thinking if it was a day where my mind was on gutting this place I could have very well thrown it out. I admitted that to lil bit and she had no reaction at all to the clipper issue. The no negative response then triggered my brain that I have the all clear. Whew crisis diverted...WRONG! I then proceeded to the table area to get an air freshener I forgot I had. I began opening the package and it was noisy and it unsettled the dog and lil bit shot me a look of pure disgust. All circuits shorted within me, and the anger started to flow. I threw the package on the table and walked away. I can not remember EXACTLY how the conversation went after that. I did say something about how she looks at me with such disgust. She thanked me for saying that (as she often does when I say this) Let me be clear...I am not calling her disgusting. I am not saying her face is disgusting I am saying the look on her face makes me feel like I am disgusting and that she hates the entirety of my existence. I understand how that could trigger me. I don't like that it does and hate how it feels. I then thanked her for making me feel disgusting. (childish? Yes. Did I do it YES) She then said something about believing I make things up in my head. I replied yup that is what I do , spend all my days making stuff up in my head. She parted ways. Then the tension filled the room, that I am currently alone in. I hate these feelings and when they are happening in my own home, my one safe space I can not even begin to process the emotions. I did message lil bit to apologize. She eventually came out and thanked ,me for the apology. I then tried to explain why what had happened, happened. It wasn't her it was ME. I took ownership. She then told me she was happy I reached out because if not she was gonna have to be the one to come to me and say we have issues we need to discuss. I again explained through tears again why these things trigger me. I never know what, where or when. For me, an adult facing CPTSD, all the battles within myself are due to being made feel less than, not enough, disgusting, bad, useless, not good enough, not worthy, and the list could go on. So I am recently noticing that I feel it all, and when current situations stirs these feelings inside me anger jumps out of me. I guess it is the FIGHT mode or that I am literally bursting at the seams. Lil bit made it seem like there were other issues that need to be discussed but when I asked she refused to go anywhere with it because of “this”( my crying emotional mess). She packed up her stuff (phone, water bottle etc...) and headed to her room with door closed. I sit here replaying it all over in my head. Feeling bad I may have hurt her. I have cried as the pain I feel buried deep within tries to surface. The cloud of tension all around me and I have no where to run. I am trapped!

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September 9, 2024

“I don't ask why, I ask why not”. A quote from Dr. Phil that has always stuck with me. My thoughts today bring me to this. 7 weeks watching and waiting for my dad to die in a palliative care room. Also looking at and watching the one picture of a grandchild sit by his death bed and watch that grandchild be praised to everyone who entered. That grandchild, my nephew is also my daughters abuser. It is my fault this hurt me as I didn't tell my parents about this abuse. Some how we didn't want to cause the devastation in my parents. I always thought the child and I wanted this. Now I realize that may have been my mind. Maybe I didn't want to put it on them or perhaps I did not want to deal with it. Either way it happened and it added a layer to the 7 weeks. During this time my new to me car, that my dad had purchased from his friend a few short months before, was breaking down. I later learned the car was useless. I wasn't bringing this issue into the room so I placed it nicely beside the picture, deep within my being. My mother was cracking under all the goings on with dad and was acting crazy at times. So of course I opened myself up and placed that with the picture and the car. All the while my teenage daughter was at home alone raising herself for the most part. I was a better mother than that, I know and knew better. At that time though it went inside on that shelf with the picture, car, and my moms crazy. Now, as I reflect back, and beat myself up for, my teenaged daughter who was left alone by ME was also being lured, exploited and abused by someone we trusted. Someone we looked at like family. A person of authority. (Wow that was a lot. As I wrote that the hairs on the back of neck stood to attention. A person of authority, said nephew abuser went on to be a member of a police force. Had I done the right thing at the time, a police officer he would not have become) So why would I not be where I am today based on those 7 weeks alone. There were other stressors as well, I was off work without pay for almost the entirety of those 7 weeks. The mental game of waiting in a hospital for someone to die. The guilt when you had moments of wishing it would happen. Seeing people around us (other rooms) come and go, rather quickly and we waited. So yah, I am learning piece by piece how I got here. I still question how I made it this far. How did I even survive to reach the perfect storm? That thought blows my mind. I have to be something, strong, eh I dunno. Maybe its just best to say I am something! With hope, one day I can add the word special to it and believe it!

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The Perfect Storm

Tonight I reflect on what I call “The Perfect Storm”. It was (is) a storm that has been brewing since I was in my mothers womb. It grew with me through childhood. It gained some great momentum through the teenage years and robbed me of myself in early adulthood/motherhood. Each phase of my life picked up debris, as you would imagine a tornado would do. I thought many times that the storm had reached its peak, little did I know that it was only just beginning to spin out of control. Then when I least expected, I had maintained control over this monstrosity my entire life, the stars aligned. Not in a good way! (not that I can see clearly, yet anyway).

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The Man

My mother told me a story recently and it has really bothered me ever since. She said she was at the pharmacy recently and a man, that she described as nice looking, well dressed and well kept, went to the counter to pick up medication for the children. The pharmacist asked him if the kids were sick again. This sent him on an ugly rant, according to my mother. Those effing children are always sick, they are arseholes and nothing but trouble. He said it like he meant it with such anger and hate. It was clear to me that we were expected to name call this man, judge him and say how awful he is. However, I do not feel any of these things about this man I know nothing about. I am not perfect, and admit there was a time not so long ago I too would have judged him.

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August 26, 2024

I have written this entry so many times, in my head, and always it starts off with I have been bad. Well here I am today starting by saying I AM NOT BAD. I have just been working hard. VERY HARD. From the outside you may see me, sitting in my piles of mess and disorganization, doing absolutely nothing. It may look like I am unkempt and that I have slept in my clothes for a week but let me tell you healing is hard. It is mentally and emotionally draining. The pain still comes, out of nowhere and it hurts. Tears still flow and more often than not I have no energy or motivation. This is all part of healing. I would be lying if I did not admit to wanting to quit occasionally. Yet here I am plugging away.

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September 23, 2024

I am struggling right now. There I said it! I think I mentioned before how the anger emotion is coming out of me. Is it ever coming out of me and I would not want to be on the receiving end of it. It is ugly, hateful and awful. Not who I want to be. I hate it so much. I do not know how to deal with it. My recent “good” therapist is not consistent and I feel like when ever I need someone, like really need someone, there is no one. Getting a regular appointment with her is proving difficult lately. I am sure in my file it is somehow listed that I am unwilling etc....For fuck sakes I am trying. I have been trying. Fighting my way through the darkest of days, hanging by a thread, begging for help. Like everything else in my life I am not a priority, only an after thought. I am a number and a paycheck. That's it!

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September 20, 2024

At what point does one say fuck it and give up? I do not for life of me understand why I haven't done that yet. Even after all this time and the hard work I have poured into myself I am about ready to give up. It is where my mind brings me today. Why am I still here trying, trying to heal pains that keep coming, new ones, old ones. New worries and old ones. Today's addition is the real possibility of homelessness. My landlord has reached out to say he has to increase the rent. I am not mad at him, nor do I blame him. I understand. I also understand I can not really afford what I am paying now so an increase will be near impossible, given the circumstances of my life currently. It sucks. Why am I trying? For what? I have nothing, no where I feel safe enough to go to and no mode of transportation. I do not go outside and can not “just get over it'. I found some “joy” in planning a change to my bedroom. I began gathering and gutting. Now the Universe is like no fuck you, instead you shall become homeless. Try that out for a while and see the improvement in your mental health; not happening. Someone please give me a reason to keep going because if we are being real here I have nothing to keep going for. I had the desire but I feel like that is fading fast as well.

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September 17, 2024

The mental health system continues to fail people of this province. There are so many people out there desperate for help, people who are working very hard to heal and become better and we have a system that continuously turns their backs on them.

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You Don't Know Me

As part of my healing I find myself opening up more. In a recent conversation, while trying to explain the dynamics between my mother and I, the person I was chatting with says “ so she don't know you?”

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September 14, 2024

I am currently feeling VERY heavy. I feel like I am surrounded by a cloud of tension. Lil bit and I had a bit of a confuffle this afternoon. She was grooming the dog and I was needed to help. I sat to the table doing basically nothing but tried to hold the dog still on occasion. I mean honestly I was useless but I was told I needed to be there. At some point the electric clippers died. They needed to be recharged. I knew finding the cord was going to be an issue. So my entire being tensed up right away. The last time the dog was groomed using the clippers the cord was left hanging out of the wall. I am not placing blame here as I could have been the one to have left it. Irrelevant as to who, it was 100% left hanging out of the wall instead on put back where it belonged. I digress. I hopped up immediately and went on a hunt for the cord. Trying to ward of the certain disaster my mind told me was ahead of me if I did not locate it. While looking through piles and piles of stuff just placed in stacks about my room, and drawers I recall having seen it recently. Not sure what I done with it. I remember looking at it and having no clue what it belonged to and am now thinking if it was a day where my mind was on gutting this place I could have very well thrown it out. I admitted that to lil bit and she had no reaction at all to the clipper issue. The no negative response then triggered my brain that I have the all clear. Whew crisis diverted...WRONG! I then proceeded to the table area to get an air freshener I forgot I had. I began opening the package and it was noisy and it unsettled the dog and lil bit shot me a look of pure disgust. All circuits shorted within me, and the anger started to flow. I threw the package on the table and walked away. I can not remember EXACTLY how the conversation went after that. I did say something about how she looks at me with such disgust. She thanked me for saying that (as she often does when I say this) Let me be clear...I am not calling her disgusting. I am not saying her face is disgusting I am saying the look on her face makes me feel like I am disgusting and that she hates the entirety of my existence. I understand how that could trigger me. I don't like that it does and hate how it feels. I then thanked her for making me feel disgusting. (childish? Yes. Did I do it YES) She then said something about believing I make things up in my head. I replied yup that is what I do , spend all my days making stuff up in my head. She parted ways. Then the tension filled the room, that I am currently alone in. I hate these feelings and when they are happening in my own home, my one safe space I can not even begin to process the emotions. I did message lil bit to apologize. She eventually came out and thanked ,me for the apology. I then tried to explain why what had happened, happened. It wasn't her it was ME. I took ownership. She then told me she was happy I reached out because if not she was gonna have to be the one to come to me and say we have issues we need to discuss. I again explained through tears again why these things trigger me. I never know what, where or when. For me, an adult facing CPTSD, all the battles within myself are due to being made feel less than, not enough, disgusting, bad, useless, not good enough, not worthy, and the list could go on. So I am recently noticing that I feel it all, and when current situations stirs these feelings inside me anger jumps out of me. I guess it is the FIGHT mode or that I am literally bursting at the seams. Lil bit made it seem like there were other issues that need to be discussed but when I asked she refused to go anywhere with it because of “this”( my crying emotional mess). She packed up her stuff (phone, water bottle etc...) and headed to her room with door closed. I sit here replaying it all over in my head. Feeling bad I may have hurt her. I have cried as the pain I feel buried deep within tries to surface. The cloud of tension all around me and I have no where to run. I am trapped!

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September 9, 2024

“I don't ask why, I ask why not”. A quote from Dr. Phil that has always stuck with me. My thoughts today bring me to this. 7 weeks watching and waiting for my dad to die in a palliative care room. Also looking at and watching the one picture of a grandchild sit by his death bed and watch that grandchild be praised to everyone who entered. That grandchild, my nephew is also my daughters abuser. It is my fault this hurt me as I didn't tell my parents about this abuse. Some how we didn't want to cause the devastation in my parents. I always thought the child and I wanted this. Now I realize that may have been my mind. Maybe I didn't want to put it on them or perhaps I did not want to deal with it. Either way it happened and it added a layer to the 7 weeks. During this time my new to me car, that my dad had purchased from his friend a few short months before, was breaking down. I later learned the car was useless. I wasn't bringing this issue into the room so I placed it nicely beside the picture, deep within my being. My mother was cracking under all the goings on with dad and was acting crazy at times. So of course I opened myself up and placed that with the picture and the car. All the while my teenage daughter was at home alone raising herself for the most part. I was a better mother than that, I know and knew better. At that time though it went inside on that shelf with the picture, car, and my moms crazy. Now, as I reflect back, and beat myself up for, my teenaged daughter who was left alone by ME was also being lured, exploited and abused by someone we trusted. Someone we looked at like family. A person of authority. (Wow that was a lot. As I wrote that the hairs on the back of neck stood to attention. A person of authority, said nephew abuser went on to be a member of a police force. Had I done the right thing at the time, a police officer he would not have become) So why would I not be where I am today based on those 7 weeks alone. There were other stressors as well, I was off work without pay for almost the entirety of those 7 weeks. The mental game of waiting in a hospital for someone to die. The guilt when you had moments of wishing it would happen. Seeing people around us (other rooms) come and go, rather quickly and we waited. So yah, I am learning piece by piece how I got here. I still question how I made it this far. How did I even survive to reach the perfect storm? That thought blows my mind. I have to be something, strong, eh I dunno. Maybe its just best to say I am something! With hope, one day I can add the word special to it and believe it!

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The Perfect Storm

Tonight I reflect on what I call “The Perfect Storm”. It was (is) a storm that has been brewing since I was in my mothers womb. It grew with me through childhood. It gained some great momentum through the teenage years and robbed me of myself in early adulthood/motherhood. Each phase of my life picked up debris, as you would imagine a tornado would do. I thought many times that the storm had reached its peak, little did I know that it was only just beginning to spin out of control. Then when I least expected, I had maintained control over this monstrosity my entire life, the stars aligned. Not in a good way! (not that I can see clearly, yet anyway).

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The Man

My mother told me a story recently and it has really bothered me ever since. She said she was at the pharmacy recently and a man, that she described as nice looking, well dressed and well kept, went to the counter to pick up medication for the children. The pharmacist asked him if the kids were sick again. This sent him on an ugly rant, according to my mother. Those effing children are always sick, they are arseholes and nothing but trouble. He said it like he meant it with such anger and hate. It was clear to me that we were expected to name call this man, judge him and say how awful he is. However, I do not feel any of these things about this man I know nothing about. I am not perfect, and admit there was a time not so long ago I too would have judged him.

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August 26, 2024

I have written this entry so many times, in my head, and always it starts off with I have been bad. Well here I am today starting by saying I AM NOT BAD. I have just been working hard. VERY HARD. From the outside you may see me, sitting in my piles of mess and disorganization, doing absolutely nothing. It may look like I am unkempt and that I have slept in my clothes for a week but let me tell you healing is hard. It is mentally and emotionally draining. The pain still comes, out of nowhere and it hurts. Tears still flow and more often than not I have no energy or motivation. This is all part of healing. I would be lying if I did not admit to wanting to quit occasionally. Yet here I am plugging away.

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