Intro To The Adventures Of My Mind

I am starting this blog on Day 376. I am doing so simply because I didn't really make journaling this adventure a priority until now.

I am suffering tremendous Anxiety and Depression and while I am on day 376, I have come to realize through this process that it stems way back and has been part of my life for way more than 376 days.

My purpose in journaling, now blogging, was at first so I didn't forget things, feelings, moods etc. as they came up. I wanted to remember things to share with my medical team. I was/am also hoping it will show me the progress I make. 

I always feel alone and as if no one understands or gets it. I am hoping in sharing my everyday I may find others who may get it or help someone else not feel alone. Maybe for once someone will understand who I am and understand why I am that way.

So here we are...….

Welcome to the raw uncut version of my life.


February 27, 2024

Today is the first day in a very long time that I felt somewhat human. I got up at 8:30am and struggled to get my garbage can up to the road. I managed to order a few groceries, start a new knitting project and made myself supper. The sun was shining today and it looked like a nice day outside. My knees continue to be very bad, one worse than the other. It feels like it is spreading up my right leg and at times today I am getting a shooting pain in the interior hip area that causes me to buckle over for a moment.

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February 21, 2024

Existing. That is what I am doing. I get up everyday just to exist. Existing isn't living. When you live you get up each day with a purpose, you choose happiness and do what you need to do to enjoy life. I don't even know what would make me happy, let alone experience it. This is getting old, fast! I just can not seem to function at all lately. I barely functioned before but I feel I am slipping. The pain is not helping. Showering is still a huge problem for me, It has been for a while but lately with the knee issues it is worse. Then I feel ashamed. I beat myself up. How hard is it to go take a shower. Why is there such a mental, physical and emotional block. I understand the concept of depression and how it relates to showering but I still do not get it.

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February 17, 2024

I have been very bad at keeping up. I think I just took a break. A break from thinking, and feeling and being. I have been on autopilot, just functioning. Surviving each day has proven to be all I can muster lately. My knees have been terrible and this contributes to my being defeated. Stomach/bowel problems keep me in a blah no energy state. Yet here I am. Fighting! Trying! Yesterday I had so much hope for today. So many things I was going to accomplish and here I am doing everything I can not to go back to bed. (currently it is 1:30pm) Bad cramps woke me from my sleep this morning and then after a battle with the toilet I felt weak, sick and drained. (I did win this battle today unlike yesterday). I continuously think of all I wanted to accomplish today and then feel total defeat. I have to believe that it is ok if I do not get things done today. Tomorrow is a new day, Right? This battle in my head goes round and around. I feel useless and lazy. This contributes to the state of my mental health. The circle is vicious!

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January 24, 2024

I was hoping that my writings on this date would have a hopeful if not positive undertone but unfortunately that is not the case. I sit here angry, hurt and defeated. So apparently trial ended abruptly yesterday. I am only getting the information reported by the news at this point as I am waiting on a meeting with the crown and our support team to find out what is really going on. The waiting is hard. One never gets used to the waiting. I have emailed Bridge the Gap about starting a depression group session. I had been considering it and feeling what I feel currently I need something. If this goes the way I feel it will I will need major help with my already mounting depression.

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January 11, 2024

Just finished an early morning therapy appointment. My therapist seems to get more distracted with every session yet I keep going back. I really do not have a backbone! I did find a way to cut it short today. I just can't deal with it anymore. I have set up a future appointment but not sure for what. I feel like if I bring it up that I will only be told that I am wrong and that what I see and think and feel is happening during sessions is wrong. I am supposed to have a physio therapist and dietitian visit tomorrow but I am going to cancel that and reschedule for after trial. I just have to much going on right now and I am tired. To tired to prepare my home to welcome strangers. I have to do what is best for me and right now what is best is not stressing and scrambling to straighten up my home.

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1 Whole Year

I reached a milestone today. I have been here on this blog  for 1 year. I may have missed days and in some cases months but I fought through and reached this accomplishment. I look forward to brighter days and happier posts in the future. Yay Me!

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January 10, 2024

I just can not get out of my own way lately. I am in such a funk. No motivation, no energy, no desire to do anything. Tired all the stinking time. Just breathing is taking everything I have. Can not get through a day without going back to bed at least once. I fight it as much as I can but the exhaustion wins.

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January 9, 2024

I haven't written anything for a few days. Its not that there isn't anything to write, I am just tired. I am sitting here waiting on a phone appointment with my NP and am sure it will be just another waste of time. My knees are so bad, it is now affecting my legs.

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January 4, 2024

Just not feeling it this morning. Tired, in pain and unmotivated. I wish I knew how to shake these feelings. It is taking all that I have to not go climb in my bed.

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January 3, 2024

Sometimes I feel so angry and defeated. Today is one of those days. I am currently sitting in a virtual room on Zoom waiting for my therapist that had a session with me today at 1:30. It is now 1:55 and no sign of him. I emailed him a short bit ago to see what is happening and got no response as of yet. This makes me so fucking angry. If i missed a session or did not show up it would not be looked upon kindly at all. It would be a failure on my part, irresponsible behavior. I have NEVER missed a session. I have fought what I needed to to ensure I always showed up. Yet I sit here being discarded and no explanation given. I am being made to feel like I do not matter. My time is not important. I am angry! It is now 2pm and 30 minutes passed my schedules time. How long does one sit and wait in a virtual room before giving up? I'll be honest, I didn't really feel like doing this today. I am having a bad stomach day, cramping etc but I showed up. I have other emails happening with the Journey project and Victim Services that I need to get to but I put it aside and I showed up. I know sometimes things happen but I feel I should have been notified if this appointment was not going to happen. I am going to close out the zoom now and focus on other things I need to do. Zoom over and out at 2:06.

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February 27, 2024

Today is the first day in a very long time that I felt somewhat human. I got up at 8:30am and struggled to get my garbage can up to the road. I managed to order a few groceries, start a new knitting project and made myself supper. The sun was shining today and it looked like a nice day outside. My knees continue to be very bad, one worse than the other. It feels like it is spreading up my right leg and at times today I am getting a shooting pain in the interior hip area that causes me to buckle over for a moment.

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February 21, 2024

Existing. That is what I am doing. I get up everyday just to exist. Existing isn't living. When you live you get up each day with a purpose, you choose happiness and do what you need to do to enjoy life. I don't even know what would make me happy, let alone experience it. This is getting old, fast! I just can not seem to function at all lately. I barely functioned before but I feel I am slipping. The pain is not helping. Showering is still a huge problem for me, It has been for a while but lately with the knee issues it is worse. Then I feel ashamed. I beat myself up. How hard is it to go take a shower. Why is there such a mental, physical and emotional block. I understand the concept of depression and how it relates to showering but I still do not get it.

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February 17, 2024

I have been very bad at keeping up. I think I just took a break. A break from thinking, and feeling and being. I have been on autopilot, just functioning. Surviving each day has proven to be all I can muster lately. My knees have been terrible and this contributes to my being defeated. Stomach/bowel problems keep me in a blah no energy state. Yet here I am. Fighting! Trying! Yesterday I had so much hope for today. So many things I was going to accomplish and here I am doing everything I can not to go back to bed. (currently it is 1:30pm) Bad cramps woke me from my sleep this morning and then after a battle with the toilet I felt weak, sick and drained. (I did win this battle today unlike yesterday). I continuously think of all I wanted to accomplish today and then feel total defeat. I have to believe that it is ok if I do not get things done today. Tomorrow is a new day, Right? This battle in my head goes round and around. I feel useless and lazy. This contributes to the state of my mental health. The circle is vicious!

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January 24, 2024

I was hoping that my writings on this date would have a hopeful if not positive undertone but unfortunately that is not the case. I sit here angry, hurt and defeated. So apparently trial ended abruptly yesterday. I am only getting the information reported by the news at this point as I am waiting on a meeting with the crown and our support team to find out what is really going on. The waiting is hard. One never gets used to the waiting. I have emailed Bridge the Gap about starting a depression group session. I had been considering it and feeling what I feel currently I need something. If this goes the way I feel it will I will need major help with my already mounting depression.

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January 11, 2024

Just finished an early morning therapy appointment. My therapist seems to get more distracted with every session yet I keep going back. I really do not have a backbone! I did find a way to cut it short today. I just can't deal with it anymore. I have set up a future appointment but not sure for what. I feel like if I bring it up that I will only be told that I am wrong and that what I see and think and feel is happening during sessions is wrong. I am supposed to have a physio therapist and dietitian visit tomorrow but I am going to cancel that and reschedule for after trial. I just have to much going on right now and I am tired. To tired to prepare my home to welcome strangers. I have to do what is best for me and right now what is best is not stressing and scrambling to straighten up my home.

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1 Whole Year

I reached a milestone today. I have been here on this blog  for 1 year. I may have missed days and in some cases months but I fought through and reached this accomplishment. I look forward to brighter days and happier posts in the future. Yay Me!

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January 10, 2024

I just can not get out of my own way lately. I am in such a funk. No motivation, no energy, no desire to do anything. Tired all the stinking time. Just breathing is taking everything I have. Can not get through a day without going back to bed at least once. I fight it as much as I can but the exhaustion wins.

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January 9, 2024

I haven't written anything for a few days. Its not that there isn't anything to write, I am just tired. I am sitting here waiting on a phone appointment with my NP and am sure it will be just another waste of time. My knees are so bad, it is now affecting my legs.

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January 4, 2024

Just not feeling it this morning. Tired, in pain and unmotivated. I wish I knew how to shake these feelings. It is taking all that I have to not go climb in my bed.

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January 3, 2024

Sometimes I feel so angry and defeated. Today is one of those days. I am currently sitting in a virtual room on Zoom waiting for my therapist that had a session with me today at 1:30. It is now 1:55 and no sign of him. I emailed him a short bit ago to see what is happening and got no response as of yet. This makes me so fucking angry. If i missed a session or did not show up it would not be looked upon kindly at all. It would be a failure on my part, irresponsible behavior. I have NEVER missed a session. I have fought what I needed to to ensure I always showed up. Yet I sit here being discarded and no explanation given. I am being made to feel like I do not matter. My time is not important. I am angry! It is now 2pm and 30 minutes passed my schedules time. How long does one sit and wait in a virtual room before giving up? I'll be honest, I didn't really feel like doing this today. I am having a bad stomach day, cramping etc but I showed up. I have other emails happening with the Journey project and Victim Services that I need to get to but I put it aside and I showed up. I know sometimes things happen but I feel I should have been notified if this appointment was not going to happen. I am going to close out the zoom now and focus on other things I need to do. Zoom over and out at 2:06.

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February 27, 2024

Today is the first day in a very long time that I felt somewhat human. I got up at 8:30am and struggled to get my garbage can up to the road. I managed to order a few groceries, start a new knitting project and made myself supper. The sun was shining today and it looked like a nice day outside. My knees continue to be very bad, one worse than the other. It feels like it is spreading up my right leg and at times today I am getting a shooting pain in the interior hip area that causes me to buckle over for a moment.

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February 21, 2024

Existing. That is what I am doing. I get up everyday just to exist. Existing isn't living. When you live you get up each day with a purpose, you choose happiness and do what you need to do to enjoy life. I don't even know what would make me happy, let alone experience it. This is getting old, fast! I just can not seem to function at all lately. I barely functioned before but I feel I am slipping. The pain is not helping. Showering is still a huge problem for me, It has been for a while but lately with the knee issues it is worse. Then I feel ashamed. I beat myself up. How hard is it to go take a shower. Why is there such a mental, physical and emotional block. I understand the concept of depression and how it relates to showering but I still do not get it.

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February 17, 2024

I have been very bad at keeping up. I think I just took a break. A break from thinking, and feeling and being. I have been on autopilot, just functioning. Surviving each day has proven to be all I can muster lately. My knees have been terrible and this contributes to my being defeated. Stomach/bowel problems keep me in a blah no energy state. Yet here I am. Fighting! Trying! Yesterday I had so much hope for today. So many things I was going to accomplish and here I am doing everything I can not to go back to bed. (currently it is 1:30pm) Bad cramps woke me from my sleep this morning and then after a battle with the toilet I felt weak, sick and drained. (I did win this battle today unlike yesterday). I continuously think of all I wanted to accomplish today and then feel total defeat. I have to believe that it is ok if I do not get things done today. Tomorrow is a new day, Right? This battle in my head goes round and around. I feel useless and lazy. This contributes to the state of my mental health. The circle is vicious!

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January 24, 2024

I was hoping that my writings on this date would have a hopeful if not positive undertone but unfortunately that is not the case. I sit here angry, hurt and defeated. So apparently trial ended abruptly yesterday. I am only getting the information reported by the news at this point as I am waiting on a meeting with the crown and our support team to find out what is really going on. The waiting is hard. One never gets used to the waiting. I have emailed Bridge the Gap about starting a depression group session. I had been considering it and feeling what I feel currently I need something. If this goes the way I feel it will I will need major help with my already mounting depression.

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January 11, 2024

Just finished an early morning therapy appointment. My therapist seems to get more distracted with every session yet I keep going back. I really do not have a backbone! I did find a way to cut it short today. I just can't deal with it anymore. I have set up a future appointment but not sure for what. I feel like if I bring it up that I will only be told that I am wrong and that what I see and think and feel is happening during sessions is wrong. I am supposed to have a physio therapist and dietitian visit tomorrow but I am going to cancel that and reschedule for after trial. I just have to much going on right now and I am tired. To tired to prepare my home to welcome strangers. I have to do what is best for me and right now what is best is not stressing and scrambling to straighten up my home.

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1 Whole Year

I reached a milestone today. I have been here on this blog  for 1 year. I may have missed days and in some cases months but I fought through and reached this accomplishment. I look forward to brighter days and happier posts in the future. Yay Me!

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January 10, 2024

I just can not get out of my own way lately. I am in such a funk. No motivation, no energy, no desire to do anything. Tired all the stinking time. Just breathing is taking everything I have. Can not get through a day without going back to bed at least once. I fight it as much as I can but the exhaustion wins.

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January 9, 2024

I haven't written anything for a few days. Its not that there isn't anything to write, I am just tired. I am sitting here waiting on a phone appointment with my NP and am sure it will be just another waste of time. My knees are so bad, it is now affecting my legs.

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January 4, 2024

Just not feeling it this morning. Tired, in pain and unmotivated. I wish I knew how to shake these feelings. It is taking all that I have to not go climb in my bed.

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January 3, 2024

Sometimes I feel so angry and defeated. Today is one of those days. I am currently sitting in a virtual room on Zoom waiting for my therapist that had a session with me today at 1:30. It is now 1:55 and no sign of him. I emailed him a short bit ago to see what is happening and got no response as of yet. This makes me so fucking angry. If i missed a session or did not show up it would not be looked upon kindly at all. It would be a failure on my part, irresponsible behavior. I have NEVER missed a session. I have fought what I needed to to ensure I always showed up. Yet I sit here being discarded and no explanation given. I am being made to feel like I do not matter. My time is not important. I am angry! It is now 2pm and 30 minutes passed my schedules time. How long does one sit and wait in a virtual room before giving up? I'll be honest, I didn't really feel like doing this today. I am having a bad stomach day, cramping etc but I showed up. I have other emails happening with the Journey project and Victim Services that I need to get to but I put it aside and I showed up. I know sometimes things happen but I feel I should have been notified if this appointment was not going to happen. I am going to close out the zoom now and focus on other things I need to do. Zoom over and out at 2:06.

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February 27, 2024

Today is the first day in a very long time that I felt somewhat human. I got up at 8:30am and struggled to get my garbage can up to the road. I managed to order a few groceries, start a new knitting project and made myself supper. The sun was shining today and it looked like a nice day outside. My knees continue to be very bad, one worse than the other. It feels like it is spreading up my right leg and at times today I am getting a shooting pain in the interior hip area that causes me to buckle over for a moment.

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February 21, 2024

Existing. That is what I am doing. I get up everyday just to exist. Existing isn't living. When you live you get up each day with a purpose, you choose happiness and do what you need to do to enjoy life. I don't even know what would make me happy, let alone experience it. This is getting old, fast! I just can not seem to function at all lately. I barely functioned before but I feel I am slipping. The pain is not helping. Showering is still a huge problem for me, It has been for a while but lately with the knee issues it is worse. Then I feel ashamed. I beat myself up. How hard is it to go take a shower. Why is there such a mental, physical and emotional block. I understand the concept of depression and how it relates to showering but I still do not get it.

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February 17, 2024

I have been very bad at keeping up. I think I just took a break. A break from thinking, and feeling and being. I have been on autopilot, just functioning. Surviving each day has proven to be all I can muster lately. My knees have been terrible and this contributes to my being defeated. Stomach/bowel problems keep me in a blah no energy state. Yet here I am. Fighting! Trying! Yesterday I had so much hope for today. So many things I was going to accomplish and here I am doing everything I can not to go back to bed. (currently it is 1:30pm) Bad cramps woke me from my sleep this morning and then after a battle with the toilet I felt weak, sick and drained. (I did win this battle today unlike yesterday). I continuously think of all I wanted to accomplish today and then feel total defeat. I have to believe that it is ok if I do not get things done today. Tomorrow is a new day, Right? This battle in my head goes round and around. I feel useless and lazy. This contributes to the state of my mental health. The circle is vicious!

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January 24, 2024

I was hoping that my writings on this date would have a hopeful if not positive undertone but unfortunately that is not the case. I sit here angry, hurt and defeated. So apparently trial ended abruptly yesterday. I am only getting the information reported by the news at this point as I am waiting on a meeting with the crown and our support team to find out what is really going on. The waiting is hard. One never gets used to the waiting. I have emailed Bridge the Gap about starting a depression group session. I had been considering it and feeling what I feel currently I need something. If this goes the way I feel it will I will need major help with my already mounting depression.

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January 11, 2024

Just finished an early morning therapy appointment. My therapist seems to get more distracted with every session yet I keep going back. I really do not have a backbone! I did find a way to cut it short today. I just can't deal with it anymore. I have set up a future appointment but not sure for what. I feel like if I bring it up that I will only be told that I am wrong and that what I see and think and feel is happening during sessions is wrong. I am supposed to have a physio therapist and dietitian visit tomorrow but I am going to cancel that and reschedule for after trial. I just have to much going on right now and I am tired. To tired to prepare my home to welcome strangers. I have to do what is best for me and right now what is best is not stressing and scrambling to straighten up my home.

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1 Whole Year

I reached a milestone today. I have been here on this blog  for 1 year. I may have missed days and in some cases months but I fought through and reached this accomplishment. I look forward to brighter days and happier posts in the future. Yay Me!

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January 10, 2024

I just can not get out of my own way lately. I am in such a funk. No motivation, no energy, no desire to do anything. Tired all the stinking time. Just breathing is taking everything I have. Can not get through a day without going back to bed at least once. I fight it as much as I can but the exhaustion wins.

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January 9, 2024

I haven't written anything for a few days. Its not that there isn't anything to write, I am just tired. I am sitting here waiting on a phone appointment with my NP and am sure it will be just another waste of time. My knees are so bad, it is now affecting my legs.

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January 4, 2024

Just not feeling it this morning. Tired, in pain and unmotivated. I wish I knew how to shake these feelings. It is taking all that I have to not go climb in my bed.

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January 3, 2024

Sometimes I feel so angry and defeated. Today is one of those days. I am currently sitting in a virtual room on Zoom waiting for my therapist that had a session with me today at 1:30. It is now 1:55 and no sign of him. I emailed him a short bit ago to see what is happening and got no response as of yet. This makes me so fucking angry. If i missed a session or did not show up it would not be looked upon kindly at all. It would be a failure on my part, irresponsible behavior. I have NEVER missed a session. I have fought what I needed to to ensure I always showed up. Yet I sit here being discarded and no explanation given. I am being made to feel like I do not matter. My time is not important. I am angry! It is now 2pm and 30 minutes passed my schedules time. How long does one sit and wait in a virtual room before giving up? I'll be honest, I didn't really feel like doing this today. I am having a bad stomach day, cramping etc but I showed up. I have other emails happening with the Journey project and Victim Services that I need to get to but I put it aside and I showed up. I know sometimes things happen but I feel I should have been notified if this appointment was not going to happen. I am going to close out the zoom now and focus on other things I need to do. Zoom over and out at 2:06.

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February 27, 2024

Today is the first day in a very long time that I felt somewhat human. I got up at 8:30am and struggled to get my garbage can up to the road. I managed to order a few groceries, start a new knitting project and made myself supper. The sun was shining today and it looked like a nice day outside. My knees continue to be very bad, one worse than the other. It feels like it is spreading up my right leg and at times today I am getting a shooting pain in the interior hip area that causes me to buckle over for a moment.

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February 21, 2024

Existing. That is what I am doing. I get up everyday just to exist. Existing isn't living. When you live you get up each day with a purpose, you choose happiness and do what you need to do to enjoy life. I don't even know what would make me happy, let alone experience it. This is getting old, fast! I just can not seem to function at all lately. I barely functioned before but I feel I am slipping. The pain is not helping. Showering is still a huge problem for me, It has been for a while but lately with the knee issues it is worse. Then I feel ashamed. I beat myself up. How hard is it to go take a shower. Why is there such a mental, physical and emotional block. I understand the concept of depression and how it relates to showering but I still do not get it.

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February 17, 2024

I have been very bad at keeping up. I think I just took a break. A break from thinking, and feeling and being. I have been on autopilot, just functioning. Surviving each day has proven to be all I can muster lately. My knees have been terrible and this contributes to my being defeated. Stomach/bowel problems keep me in a blah no energy state. Yet here I am. Fighting! Trying! Yesterday I had so much hope for today. So many things I was going to accomplish and here I am doing everything I can not to go back to bed. (currently it is 1:30pm) Bad cramps woke me from my sleep this morning and then after a battle with the toilet I felt weak, sick and drained. (I did win this battle today unlike yesterday). I continuously think of all I wanted to accomplish today and then feel total defeat. I have to believe that it is ok if I do not get things done today. Tomorrow is a new day, Right? This battle in my head goes round and around. I feel useless and lazy. This contributes to the state of my mental health. The circle is vicious!

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January 24, 2024

I was hoping that my writings on this date would have a hopeful if not positive undertone but unfortunately that is not the case. I sit here angry, hurt and defeated. So apparently trial ended abruptly yesterday. I am only getting the information reported by the news at this point as I am waiting on a meeting with the crown and our support team to find out what is really going on. The waiting is hard. One never gets used to the waiting. I have emailed Bridge the Gap about starting a depression group session. I had been considering it and feeling what I feel currently I need something. If this goes the way I feel it will I will need major help with my already mounting depression.

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January 11, 2024

Just finished an early morning therapy appointment. My therapist seems to get more distracted with every session yet I keep going back. I really do not have a backbone! I did find a way to cut it short today. I just can't deal with it anymore. I have set up a future appointment but not sure for what. I feel like if I bring it up that I will only be told that I am wrong and that what I see and think and feel is happening during sessions is wrong. I am supposed to have a physio therapist and dietitian visit tomorrow but I am going to cancel that and reschedule for after trial. I just have to much going on right now and I am tired. To tired to prepare my home to welcome strangers. I have to do what is best for me and right now what is best is not stressing and scrambling to straighten up my home.

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1 Whole Year

I reached a milestone today. I have been here on this blog  for 1 year. I may have missed days and in some cases months but I fought through and reached this accomplishment. I look forward to brighter days and happier posts in the future. Yay Me!

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January 10, 2024

I just can not get out of my own way lately. I am in such a funk. No motivation, no energy, no desire to do anything. Tired all the stinking time. Just breathing is taking everything I have. Can not get through a day without going back to bed at least once. I fight it as much as I can but the exhaustion wins.

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January 9, 2024

I haven't written anything for a few days. Its not that there isn't anything to write, I am just tired. I am sitting here waiting on a phone appointment with my NP and am sure it will be just another waste of time. My knees are so bad, it is now affecting my legs.

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January 4, 2024

Just not feeling it this morning. Tired, in pain and unmotivated. I wish I knew how to shake these feelings. It is taking all that I have to not go climb in my bed.

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January 3, 2024

Sometimes I feel so angry and defeated. Today is one of those days. I am currently sitting in a virtual room on Zoom waiting for my therapist that had a session with me today at 1:30. It is now 1:55 and no sign of him. I emailed him a short bit ago to see what is happening and got no response as of yet. This makes me so fucking angry. If i missed a session or did not show up it would not be looked upon kindly at all. It would be a failure on my part, irresponsible behavior. I have NEVER missed a session. I have fought what I needed to to ensure I always showed up. Yet I sit here being discarded and no explanation given. I am being made to feel like I do not matter. My time is not important. I am angry! It is now 2pm and 30 minutes passed my schedules time. How long does one sit and wait in a virtual room before giving up? I'll be honest, I didn't really feel like doing this today. I am having a bad stomach day, cramping etc but I showed up. I have other emails happening with the Journey project and Victim Services that I need to get to but I put it aside and I showed up. I know sometimes things happen but I feel I should have been notified if this appointment was not going to happen. I am going to close out the zoom now and focus on other things I need to do. Zoom over and out at 2:06.

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February 27, 2024

Today is the first day in a very long time that I felt somewhat human. I got up at 8:30am and struggled to get my garbage can up to the road. I managed to order a few groceries, start a new knitting project and made myself supper. The sun was shining today and it looked like a nice day outside. My knees continue to be very bad, one worse than the other. It feels like it is spreading up my right leg and at times today I am getting a shooting pain in the interior hip area that causes me to buckle over for a moment.

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February 21, 2024

Existing. That is what I am doing. I get up everyday just to exist. Existing isn't living. When you live you get up each day with a purpose, you choose happiness and do what you need to do to enjoy life. I don't even know what would make me happy, let alone experience it. This is getting old, fast! I just can not seem to function at all lately. I barely functioned before but I feel I am slipping. The pain is not helping. Showering is still a huge problem for me, It has been for a while but lately with the knee issues it is worse. Then I feel ashamed. I beat myself up. How hard is it to go take a shower. Why is there such a mental, physical and emotional block. I understand the concept of depression and how it relates to showering but I still do not get it.

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February 17, 2024

I have been very bad at keeping up. I think I just took a break. A break from thinking, and feeling and being. I have been on autopilot, just functioning. Surviving each day has proven to be all I can muster lately. My knees have been terrible and this contributes to my being defeated. Stomach/bowel problems keep me in a blah no energy state. Yet here I am. Fighting! Trying! Yesterday I had so much hope for today. So many things I was going to accomplish and here I am doing everything I can not to go back to bed. (currently it is 1:30pm) Bad cramps woke me from my sleep this morning and then after a battle with the toilet I felt weak, sick and drained. (I did win this battle today unlike yesterday). I continuously think of all I wanted to accomplish today and then feel total defeat. I have to believe that it is ok if I do not get things done today. Tomorrow is a new day, Right? This battle in my head goes round and around. I feel useless and lazy. This contributes to the state of my mental health. The circle is vicious!

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January 24, 2024

I was hoping that my writings on this date would have a hopeful if not positive undertone but unfortunately that is not the case. I sit here angry, hurt and defeated. So apparently trial ended abruptly yesterday. I am only getting the information reported by the news at this point as I am waiting on a meeting with the crown and our support team to find out what is really going on. The waiting is hard. One never gets used to the waiting. I have emailed Bridge the Gap about starting a depression group session. I had been considering it and feeling what I feel currently I need something. If this goes the way I feel it will I will need major help with my already mounting depression.

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January 11, 2024

Just finished an early morning therapy appointment. My therapist seems to get more distracted with every session yet I keep going back. I really do not have a backbone! I did find a way to cut it short today. I just can't deal with it anymore. I have set up a future appointment but not sure for what. I feel like if I bring it up that I will only be told that I am wrong and that what I see and think and feel is happening during sessions is wrong. I am supposed to have a physio therapist and dietitian visit tomorrow but I am going to cancel that and reschedule for after trial. I just have to much going on right now and I am tired. To tired to prepare my home to welcome strangers. I have to do what is best for me and right now what is best is not stressing and scrambling to straighten up my home.

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1 Whole Year

I reached a milestone today. I have been here on this blog  for 1 year. I may have missed days and in some cases months but I fought through and reached this accomplishment. I look forward to brighter days and happier posts in the future. Yay Me!

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January 10, 2024

I just can not get out of my own way lately. I am in such a funk. No motivation, no energy, no desire to do anything. Tired all the stinking time. Just breathing is taking everything I have. Can not get through a day without going back to bed at least once. I fight it as much as I can but the exhaustion wins.

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January 9, 2024

I haven't written anything for a few days. Its not that there isn't anything to write, I am just tired. I am sitting here waiting on a phone appointment with my NP and am sure it will be just another waste of time. My knees are so bad, it is now affecting my legs.

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January 4, 2024

Just not feeling it this morning. Tired, in pain and unmotivated. I wish I knew how to shake these feelings. It is taking all that I have to not go climb in my bed.

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January 3, 2024

Sometimes I feel so angry and defeated. Today is one of those days. I am currently sitting in a virtual room on Zoom waiting for my therapist that had a session with me today at 1:30. It is now 1:55 and no sign of him. I emailed him a short bit ago to see what is happening and got no response as of yet. This makes me so fucking angry. If i missed a session or did not show up it would not be looked upon kindly at all. It would be a failure on my part, irresponsible behavior. I have NEVER missed a session. I have fought what I needed to to ensure I always showed up. Yet I sit here being discarded and no explanation given. I am being made to feel like I do not matter. My time is not important. I am angry! It is now 2pm and 30 minutes passed my schedules time. How long does one sit and wait in a virtual room before giving up? I'll be honest, I didn't really feel like doing this today. I am having a bad stomach day, cramping etc but I showed up. I have other emails happening with the Journey project and Victim Services that I need to get to but I put it aside and I showed up. I know sometimes things happen but I feel I should have been notified if this appointment was not going to happen. I am going to close out the zoom now and focus on other things I need to do. Zoom over and out at 2:06.

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